A group where English-only lessons are possible! — Новости школы английского языка English Formula
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A group where English-only lessons are possible!

Новость от 20 октября 2018 года

English-only lessons

We are having a great time with the guys from Teen Practice Level 2 group. This is a strong group where English-only lessons are possible!

Today the group presented their essays on foreign language learning, and we had good questions and discussions between the group and each of the presenters. You did an excellent job guys!

More to come… now we’ve got the playlist set so we can immerse ourselves into English for the next few weeks and months. More of listening and singing, writing essays, thinking, discussing, reading and writing — more of having good and productive lessons ahead!

Keep up the good work, my dear Lisa, Katya, Sonia, Mike, Yakov and Vlad!

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